I Corinthians 4:2 tells us, “It is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”  Paul wasn’t talking about money in I Corinthians 4.  He was talking about being a servant of Christ and a steward – a manager – of “the mysteries of God”.  His life goal was to share the wisdom of God with people who were wrapped up and deceived by the wisdom of men.

The concept of stewardship, however, is both universal to all believers (it wasn’t reserved for apostles) and broader than “the mysteries of God”.  That is to say, Paul was not just a steward of the message; he was a steward of the time God gave him, the abilities, the money, the influence, the contacts God gave him.  He was responsible as a manager for all that God placed into his hands.

Do you view your life as a stewardship?  We often equate that term with financial responsibilities, and it does cover that, but it is so much more.  Everything God has placed in your hands is a gift you are required to manage.  Life is a stewardship…and it is required of stewards that they – we – be found faithful.