Mitchells – Ft. Collins, Colorado
The Mitchells are working on maturing and taking a church to total independence. They are also focused on working with the church on a proper building to use.

Baptist Church Planters
Facilitating the process for churches and their sent missionaries to plant or revitalize churches in North America. www.bcpusa.org, 440.748.1677
What does “Church’ Mean?
The word church is used over 100 times in the Bible. Its literal meaning is “called out ones”. To the New Testament age the term has a dual aspect. First, there is the universal church to which all believers belong immediately upon accepting Christ as Savior (Matthew 16-18). Second, it is the aspect of the local church filled with born-again believers willingly united together to serve the Lord in their community (Brown and Brown, 2009, p. 24)
How to Become a Christian