I haven’t tried to count up the hours of preparation, decorating, planning, memorizing, practicing and organizing that have gone into this year’s VBS, but the number would be amazing, I’m sure. Our church family has spent hundreds of hours individually and collectively…on-site and off-site…before, during and after VBS in order to make “Over the Moat” a reality. It has been a very special week. Kids lives were changed. I want to tip my pastoral hat to Vicki Dommer, Amelia Taylor and everyone on the crew who worked out front and behind the scenes. It is remarkable what God did this week.

But don’t stop praying yet. We aren’t quite finished. We will be following up over the next few weeks to extend help to those who made decisions, and to introduce our church to families that have shown interest. God is still at work.

Thanks again. The VBS team did a great job!