We are coming into the time of the year when we celebrate our parents.  Mother’s Day is next week and Father’s Day is just a month later.  It’s a good time to consider the role we have as parents to rear our children in the Faith.

In my devotional reading over the last two weeks, I read about the last two judges of Israel – Eli and Samuel.  Both men were considered Godly in their own right.  They loved the Lord and they served Him with their lives.  However, both men failed in a significant task.  They did not pass that Godly commitment on to their sons.  Eli’s sons were so wicked (functioning as priests!) that God killed them.  Samuel’s sons were not quite as bad, but they took bribes and perverted justice in their role as judges.  Samuel was arguably one of the most Godly men in the Bible, but he did not pass that along to his kids.  The same could be said for many other Godly leaders in Scripture.  Maybe they got too busy in the work of the Lord.  Maybe they figured their kids would naturally follow in their footsteps.  Maybe they didn’t have the support of their spouses.  Whatever the reason, they didn’t get the job done and their kids paid the price.

The lessons for us should be obvious.  First, our kids are the greatest asset God gave us and the highest priority mission field we have.  Second, passing the torch must be intentional.  It won’t just happen; you have to work at it.  Third, spiritual leaders (and their children) are at greater risk in this area.  Satan is interested in bringing disrespect to the name of Christ, and who better to attack to get that done than those who lead?  The lessons of Eli, Samuel and others are clear.  Passing the torch is not a given.  Are you doing the work to pass on your love for the Lord?