This past week I made a promise to several people on your behalf. I had opportunity to deliver the invocation (ask God’s blessing) at the beginning of the City Council Meeting. I like to do that whenever I am asked because I want those folks to know we appreciate their service; that they are, in fact, servants of God; and that we at RHBC pray for them. I’m going to begin incorporating civil leaders in our Sunday AM prayer time, if for no other reason, because we are instructed to do so (I Tim. 2:2). I also sent e-mails to several of them (the council President and the Councilwoman who represents the district where the church sits, among them) to let them know that I – and we – pray for them. I’m not in the habit of obligating others to pray, but in this case, because we have Scriptural command, I thought it was OK. So, you – we – are committed to pray for our city council! I’d like to challenge you to follow through.