To be “eclectic” is to glean ideas from a number of diverse sources. An “eclectic” religion is a religious philosophy that borrows from several religious perspectives and boils them into one belief system. It’s a sort of “pick and choose” approach to religious belief. Missionaries to a numberof cultures in Asia find that converts will often add Jesus to their pantheon of gods. South American Catholics often hold on to aspects of their pagan religious backgrounds while espousing Catholicism. Sometimes, we who claim to be Bible-believers do something very similar. We will claim to believe the Bible but accept millions of years of evolutionary development. We will espouse evangelical Christianity yet turn away fromGod’s plan for marriage and sexuality. We will say we believe the Bible, but when some aspect of Bible instruction flies in the face of something we have absorbed from the culture around us, we stick with the culture. God calls us to biblical Christianity. God calls us to holiness. God calls us tocome out from the world. “Eclectic” religion may be popular among the cultural movers and shakers, but God is not a fan. “Come out from among them and be separate…” (II Cor. 6:17)