I recently read Ken Ham’s latest book, Gospel Reset. In it, he distinguishes between “Jews” (people who have a more-or-less God-centered worldview) and Greeks (people who have a secularworldview). He uses Peter’s sermon to a Jewish audience (Jerusalem) in Acts 2 and Paul’s sermon to a Greek audience (Athens) in Acts 17 to illustrate his idea. Peter’s sermon assumes that his audience has a Bible-based background. Paul’s sermon assumes that his audience does not. Ham’s point: we don’t live inJerusalem any longer. We live in Athens. The culture around us – western culture – that used to be “Jew” is fast becoming “Greek.” Most of it is already there. We can’t do church as if the worldaround us understands what we are doing. We have to worship, evangelize, disciple, and defend the faith with the understandingthat they don’t get what we are doing. We have to start from scratch – from the beginning. They’ll never understand their need for the Cross if they don’t accept their responsibility to the Creator.