The Magic of Christmas 12-22-2019

The Advent of the Messiah 12-15-2019

Christmas Hope, 12-8-2019

The Holidays, 12-1-2019

Give Thanks, 11-24-2019

Do You Sin, As a Christian?, 11-17-2019

Who Is Reaching the World?, 11-10-2019

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, 11-3-2019

A Man of God, 10-27-2019

Theological Liberalism, 10-20-2019

Serving as a Leader, 10-13-2019

Balance is the Key, 10-6-2019

Why Would God Do That?, 9-30-2019

False Teachers, 9-22-2019

Pardon Our Dust, 9-15-2019

Decisions, Decisions, 9-8-2019

A Healthy Church, 9-1-2019

Famous Last Words, 8-25-2019

A No-Fall Path, 8-18-2019

Here We Go Again, 8-11-2019

The Ladder of Success, 8-4-2019

Just Slightly Off, 7-28-2019

A VBS “Thank-You”, 7-21-2019

Children and God, 7-14-2019


God Shed His Grace on Thee 6-30-2019

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody 6-23-2019

Farewell, 6-16-2019

D-Day, 6-9-2019

Rewriting History, 6-2-2019

Transitions, 5-19-2019

Mothers of the Word, 5-12-2019

Shepherds Who Feed, 5-5-2019

Now What?, 4-28-2019

A New Dawn, 4-21-2019

Fit for a King, 4-14-2019

Dark Agenda, 4-7-2019

How Much Do Lost People Matter, 3-31-2019

An Interdependent Baptist Church 3-24-2019

Weather Central 3-17-2019

Why Wait? 3-10-2019

Is This Really Important? 3-3-2019

How Do You Know You’ve Been Saved? 2-24-2019

Behind the Scenes 2-17-2019

Love, Thy Name Is… 2-10-2019

Super Bowl Sunday 2-3-201

Blessed Suffering 1-27-2019

God & Kids 1-20-2019

God First 1-13-2019

What Are Your Plans? 1-6-2019